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Scars and Keloids

Scars and keloids can cause emotional distress due to their appearance, but we can treat and manage your keloids at Borealis Dermatology. Our providers will work directly with you to provide treatments best fit for you.

What are Keloid Scars?

Keloid scars are thickened, raised scars that are not harmful to your health. These scars usually form along the earlobes, shoulders, chest, and cheeks. Keloid scars typically occur after a skin injury, within months to years of the injury. Early detection and treatment will help minimize their growth.

Did you know…

The word “keloid” comes from the French word chéloïde. This word is derived from the Ancient Greek word ‘chele,’ which means ‘crab’s claw.’ This word refers to how the keloid scars develop in a sideward motion into the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes Scars?

When the skin is wounded or damaged, an inflammatory process ensues. As a part of this process, collagen is produced. The collagen proteins build up in the area where the tissue is damaged, strengthening and healing the wound. As new collagen forms for several months and there’s a continuous blood supply to the area, this process typically results in scars. When these scars are raised and thickened, they are known as keloids. Keloid scars can develop after minor or major trauma, and even spontaneously without any skin trauma, like acne. Keloid scars can grow and spread beyond the damaged areas, and sometimes be permanent. 

What types of Scars are there?

There are multiple types of scars, depending on the cause, wound size, body part affected, and wound care applied. These types include:

  • Cicatrix Scars (Flat Scars): Flat scars appear pink to reddish and are slightly raised. These scars are considered the most minimal and common types of scars. 
  • Hypertrophic Scars (Raised Scars): Raised scars typically take months or years to flatten and form along the chest, upper back, and shoulder areas. Some raised scars can feel itchy or painful. 
  • Atrophic Scars (Depressed Scars): Depressed scars appear pitted in the skin and normally develop from conditions such as chickenpox and severe acne.  
  • Keloids: Keloids are raised areas that grow much larger than the wound site and can feel itchy or painful. 
  • Contracture Scars: Contracture scars limit movement due to the thickness of the scar skin tissue and are often caused by burns and large keloid formations. 
  • Stretch Marks: Stretch marks are a type of scar caused by breaks in the connective tissues and can be easily caused by pregnancy, rapid weight loss, and rapid weight gain.
What causes Keloid Scars? 

Researchers are not completely sure what causes keloids, but it’s often attributed to a dysfunction in the wound-healing process. Keloids can form from too much collagen in the skin and can be triggered by any injury to the skin, including insect bites, injections, and even minor scratches. 

What are the symptoms of Keloid Scars?

Most keloid scars are painless, but some people experience symptoms like itching and discomfort in the areas. These scars are also often raised with varied textures and colors, depending on your skin color. 

How are Keloid Scars treated and managed?

If you are prone to developing keloid scars, you should be aware of management methods to reduce any adverse effects. Preventative measures such as practicing good skin care and protecting your skin from injury can help reduce these scar growths. In cases where these methods don’t work, our dermatologists can help. Some in-office treatments include prescription creams, injections, and/or laser sessions. For more information on different treatment options, click here.

Contact Borealis Dermatology for a personalized evaluation on your keloids and management options. Borealis Dermatology offers two convenient locations to provide various treatments for our patients in the Queens and Long Island areas. You can experience the highest medical and aesthetic expertise available through our treatment options by visiting our clinic.