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6 Parts Of The Face That Reveal Your Age

6 Parts Of The Face That Reveal Your Age

Your age doesn’t have to be written on your face with fine lines and wrinkles. Borealis Dermatology is a medical and cosmetic clinic with years of experience treating skin conditions and providing rejuvenation treatments with anti-aging results. Read on to find out how to treat and address 6 parts of your face that could reveal your age.

What Are 6 Parts Of The Face That Reveal Your Age?

  • Forehead Lines

  • Worry/Frown Lines

  • Crow’s Feet

  • Bunny Lines

  • Laugh Lines

  • Lip Lines

What Are Forehead Lines?

Forehead wrinkles, so-called glabellar lines, are one of the most visible and common signs of the skin aging. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen and elastin, which can lead to sagging skin and make these fine lines more noticeable. Various facial expressions can further enhance their visibility. To reduce the appearance of these wrinkles, it is always recommended to wear sunscreen, a hat, or other protective gear throughout the year to protect the skin from UV light. 

If you already have wrinkles on the forehead that you are concerned about, you can visit Borealis Dermatology for neurotoxin treatments for immediate results! Neurotoxin injections are commonly known as Botox, where chemicals are injected directly into the folds to limit nerve impulses to the nerves. For more information, click here!

What Are Worry/Frown Lines?

As you grow older, lines or frown lines may appear between your eyebrows. However, these flaws can be avoided with a good skincare regimen. Ensure that your skin is adequately hydrated by applying moisturizer and protecting it from UV radiation with sunscreen or sunglasses. Doing so can help to prevent the lines from becoming deeper and more noticeable. Botox and Dysport are common injections that treat frown lines in as little as 1 visit.

What Are Crow’s Feet?

Wrinkles around the eyes’ outer corners called crow’s feet are a common issue that many people attempt to avoid or minimize. This part of the face is particularly fragile as the skin is thinner than the rest of the face. This increases the chance of developing wrinkles in that area. To avoid the development of crow’s feet, it’s crucial to maintain a consistent skincare regimen and to utilize UV protection. The most effective methods of treatment include Botox and Dysport.

What Are Bunny Lines?

Bunny lines, the wrinkles that appear on each side of the nose, begin at the inner corners of the eyes and travel downward toward the nose. Many people choose not to address these charmingly named wrinkles because they are associated with laughter. Still, when left untreated, these lines can cause deep wrinkles that are an obvious sign of aging. To lessen their prominence, follow a consistent skincare regimen and UV protection. Botox and Dysport injections can be employed to diminish these lines.

What Are Laugh Lines?

Laugh lines are generally inherited, but can develop over time on any face. These lines are divided into two distinct areas: marionette lines and nasolabial folds. Marionette lines are the vertical lines that begin at the corners of the mouth and extend downward to the chin. Nasolabial folds are folds that extend from the corners of the mouth to the nose. To minimize the appearance of these lines, a healthy skincare regimen is essential, however, aesthetic treatments such as Botox, HydraFacial, and microdermabrasion are necessary in order to achieve the most effective results.

What Are Lip Lines?

Wrinkles that appear on the lips and the skin around the upper lip are caused by dryness, aging, and – you guessed it – exposure to the sun. To maintain the health of your lips, use a lip balm or chapstick with a high SPF. Botox, Dysport, Restylane, and many MediSpa treatments can help reduce these aging lines.

How Can Borealis Dermatology Help Me With Anti-Aging?

Borealis Dermatology’s high-quality MediSpa and professional aesthetic services such as neurotoxin, dermal filler injections, HydraFacials, and more, have helped hundreds of men and women get results fast. With 2 offices in New York, your transformation is closer than you think. Call us today at (516) 246-8800 to find out how cosmetic dermatology can help you look and feel younger.

6 Parts Of The Face That Reveal Your Age